
Homeschooling during a Crisis

Our world is in a place most of us have never seen. In fact, I believe a lot of us are living in SHOCK more than we realize. Many of us are in stages of grief as our minds don’t really know who or what to trust anymore…except God.

It seems every day the information we learned yesterday, isn’t the same today. What a good reminder that life is fragile, and a wake-up call to all of us.

The first week of quarantine took my mind off homeschooling for a week. We just seemed to reach out to God and also learn to live a different way. Although our routine hasn’t had a major change, the “mind clutter” that was bombarding our home changed. I had to fight back feelings of fear.

The news isn’t always your friend. In fact, the constant “updates” can make you more anxious and upset. I am not suggesting ignorance but a constant flow of negativity will affect the spirit in your home. Be careful what you allow in.

As women of God, we are gatekeepers of our homes. We watch guard over the influences we allow to penetrate the hearts of the inhabitants. Be careful…be wise and pour goodness into your home.

Homeschooling Through A Crisis

βœ…If you are NEW to homeschooling, take heart friend. This isn’t normal. Many homeschool moms are used to LIFE schooling and have left a “school”
environment to offer our children a hands-on education. We feel confined, too. We have canceled sports, music lessons, library trips, field trips, and much more.

Over the last 10 years we have had many disruptions to our homeschool schedule. Many! That is the perk of homeschooling, we can allow disruptions to come, learn through them together, and continue our lessons when life gets back to normal.

In 10 years I have had long-lasting illnesses, 2 births ( one was complicated), anxiety that GOD cured after a miscarriage…the list goes on! We have had disruptions.

My youngest children bare feet and all 😊

During a disruption or crisis, stick to BASIC academics.

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Math

In all reality, those subjects can be completed in 2 hours or less depending on grade level. And guess what? If you can only manage your household for a period of time and can’t do ANY academics…your children WILL still learn! Please don’t believe the lies that children are only learning when you are actively teaching. This website is named “Charlotte Mason Mama”…because we believe self-education really is the only “true” education… As Charlotte Mason said! While I don’t believe in unschooling…During a crisis, it’s OKAY to switch to learning home skills, just reading books, and making meals together.


Three Girls Reading

Our family has had many, many disruptions in our lives…but I will never believe my children have “gaps”. Think for a minute. This “educational gap” is referenced to what data? Public education tries to mold children into a uniformed sequence. Which is reasonable when you are teaching masses of people. However, as homeschoolers, we embrace individuality. Those “gaps” don’t apply to us. Our children may know another topic more in-depth than the “average” 5th grader. According to that standard, who is behind? The homeschooled child or the public schooled child?

I DO not promote “lazy homeschooling” … I promote life schooling…living education. Lessons plans. Mothers that work hard to create environments that are conductive to learning because…

“Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life”

Charlotte Mason

I work hard on this website to promote rich home life….because I believe that is the KEY to successful home education. Allowing children to be producers rather than consumers will take them a LONG way!

“Things” they can produce:

  • Write newspaper articles for your “family newspaper” ( We had one of these for years…including one child as the delivery perosn
  • Write and produce a play at home (we have many of these…precious memories!)
  • Photography ( I have one son that photographs nature every afternoon. I will share some of his shots at the end of this post)
  • Handicrafts (Sewing, knitting, woodworking)
  • Nature study journaling
  • Learn to properly care for a pet or livestock
  • Gardening
  • Book reports
  • Responsibility for a certain chore in the home
  • Cooking meals

DAILY RHYTHMS OF HOME INCLUDES A GUIDE TO 100 “Afternoon Occupations” ideas

You get the idea…Children that are producing rather than consuming (video games, television, tablets)

Not only are “screens” in an excessive amount bad for attention spans, but they also teach children to live passively.

Our family has consistently used books, paper, and pencils for education in the primary years rather than screens. Call us old fashioned, but it works. (I have tried DVD learning…etc.. and found it harder for my boys to focus)

(NOTE: I am not against all E-learning. For some families this works!)

At the time of this writing, I have teenagers that are with us in quarantine. Each week they are logging into a virtual classroom using ZOOM. Over the years they have learned to create PowerPoint presentations, give speeches, and debate.

Give Yourself Grace…Give Grace to Your Family

During a crisis we often pause and re-evaluate life. I know I have. I’ve thought of what is really important VS. what I have “thought” was important. Give grace to yourself. If your struggling with homeschooling at this time, pause. It’s okay to work on the “productive” areas I mentioned above and live an educational life for the time being. Being a stressed-out mama and pushing through grueling lessons is MUCH harder on children emotionally than stepping back and pausing.

One thing I have learned as a home teacher is: Mama’s emotional. spiritual, physical well-being is one of the most important aspects of this WHOLE thing! Take care of yourself.

Steps for Self-Care

1. Get ready in the morning for a new day. Drab clothing will make you feel dragged down and unproductive. Take some time to freshen up and be ready to manage your home πŸ‘—

I promise this alone will make you feel better!

2. Take time to refresh your soul. Read your Bible or a devotion before the day begins. I believe it’s important to do this early before your children wake up.

John 7:38

“He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”

In the morning fill YOUR CUP with living water…THE Living Water! The Bible says out of our heart will…”Flow rivers of living water”… We need to offer this “drink” to our families.

3. Steal moments of time and create your own “culture”. If you enjoy reading, coffee ( who doesn’t?), knitting…etc.. take time throughout the day for moments. My current “thing” has been reading at 9 p.m. I look forward to those 30 minutes that I’m able to read uninterrupted for a few minutes. These moments nourish our souls.

The Message I am bringing you is…Grace! Relax… You are a mama before a teacher. If you are feeling stressed out….(((hugs))) It’s okay! Embrace MOTHERHOOD and your children will naturally learn!

I’m sharing a few update pictures of what’s going on here. Update: We finally got sheep! God knew my heart. I’ve always wanted sheep. God always uses the characteristics of sheep to describe us in the Bible. It’s a crazy story HOW we got them that I will tell at a later time. ( truly miraculous!)

Jonah with “Ila” the Icelandic Sheep
Walking through our neighborhood…One child missing from the photo.
It snowed one morning, we photographed the snowflakes up close
Jonah’s Photography. Age 12
Jonah’s Photography, age 12
My nature-loving boy who will spend an afternoon saving worms from drowning after it rains. πŸ’œ

Daily Rhythms of Home is a HOMESCHOOL MOM solution to overwhelm!

PLUS! an amazing community of cheerleaders and friends

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